A truly Lean organization extends its principles beyond the shop floor. Discover how Lean principles and techniques can help increase the capabilities…
The Lean Fundamentals course provides an overview of basic Lean Manufacturing principles and what you need to get started.
Key to implementing 3P in your organization is understanding the phases of 3P that you will go through.
This course provides an overview of 5S, what 5S stands for, and why using 5S is essential to your Lean Journey.
Deepen your understanding of wastes in the workplace through the advanced concepts of waste elimination: 5MQS.
The 7 Wastes of Lean course provides the fundamental knowledge to use in your waste elimination efforts. This is essential for your Lean journey.
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the forms used during a Kaizen Workshop, as well as those that are used beyond the…
The difference between mediocre results and amazing results when implementing a new system is often the effectiveness of the tools that are used.
This course provides an in-depth look at the FAST approach to categorizing changeover tasks, including defining the FAST acronym and explaining the benefits of a team based setup approach to changeovers.
In order to achieve quick and effective changeovers you need to have a firm grasp on identifying, grouping, and eliminating wasteful setup tasks.
This course outlines the rules for creating quick changeovers, providing you with guidelines and reminders when you are implementing SMED within…
Before you can improve your setup times, you must understand the differences between internal and external setup tasks.
The Single Minute Exchange of Die System is a comprehensive quick changeover methodology that will assist you in decreasing your changeover times…
The Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) System allows you to streamline your changeover operations in order to gain more productive uptime and…
There are several recurring problems that organizations can face when implementing a Kanban system.
This course provides a step-by-step implementation plan for rolling out a basic Kanban program within your organization.
A key component of any successful TPM program is documentation of the process.
There are plenty of non-production related issues to consider when you are implementing your TPM program.
This course gives you a broad look at the ideas, concepts, and history that make up Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).
This course outlines the latest waste categorization concepts, including Norman Bodek’s 8th Waste of Lean.
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