Value Stream Mapping and the Pull Concept

This course outlines the complex stages of a Pull Production System, and how that system is integral to creating your Future State Maps and…

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Course Overview

This course outlines the complex stages of a Pull Production System, and how that system is integral to creating your Future State Maps and improving your processes. Breaking down a Pull Production System into 5 easy steps, you will be exposed to new ways to create flow and alignment throughout your organization.

This course will also cover a variation of Pull Production called 2 Stage Pull, and will explain the benefits and reasons to use this system.

Why take this course?

To understand how to incorporate the process flow of a Pull System in your Future State VSM design

What am I going to learn?

  • The fundamental idea of the Pull System and how to break it down into 5 easy steps
  • A variation of Pull called 2 Stage Pull

Who is the intended audience?

People looking to aim for the best improvements with the Future State Maps

What are the prerequisites?

A basic understanding of Value Stream Mapping

What am I going to receive?

  • Instruction on the concept of Pull
  • PDF transcripts for your review
  • A list of the terms used in the videos and their definitions
  • Power Point presentations to support your learning
  • A badge rewarded upon successful completion of the course

Course Curriculum

The Power of Pull Production in 5 Easy Steps00:00
The Concept of Two Stage Pull Production00:00
Quiz – Value Stream Mapping and the Pull Concept00:15 © All rights reserved . MT