Value of the Kaizen Workshop

Learn how a Kaizen Workshop can boost morale and encourage employee engagement throughout your organization.

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  • Avatar of Don Oakley
  • Avatar of Tony Ngo

Course Overview

Learn how a Kaizen Workshop can boost morale and encourage employee engagement throughout your organization. This course defines the Kaizen Workshop and the reasoning behind it. It also outlines the process of conducting a successful workshop.

You can utilize the Kaizen Workshop process as a way to drive positive, lasting change within your organization. There is no better way to quickly engage people in Kaizen activity.

Why take this course?

Engagement and active participation in Kaizen activity are vital for any Lean organization. This course will show you why and how Kaizen Workshops can be used to achieve this ideal.

What am I going to learn?

  • The true meaning of “Kaizen”
  • Why Kaizen is being used in so many industries
  • Why the Kaizen Workshop is a valuable tool for implementing Kaizen
  • How to answer important questions before implementing Kaizen
  • The fundamental definition and purpose of Kaizen Workshops
  • The steps and structure of a Kaizen Workshop

Who is the intended audience?

Anyone who is interested in Lean and Kaizen

What are the prerequisites?

This is an introductory course. The content is designed to be accessible by people of all knowledge levels.

What am I going to receive?

  • Videos that explain and outline the Kaizen Workshop process
  • PDF transcripts for your review
  • A list of the terms used in the videos and their definitions
  • Power Point presentations to support your learning
  • Images from the videos to use as you wish
  • A badge awarded upon successful completion of the course

Course Curriculum

The Benefits of Conducting Kaizen Workshops00:00
Defining the Kaizen Workshop00:00
Understanding The Kaizen Workshop Process00:00
Quiz – Value of the Kaizen Workshop00:15

Course Reviews

  1. Avatar of Willie Durham Willie says:

    A master improvement process

  2. Avatar of Ilkka Taponen Ilkka says:

    nice & clear
    nice & clear

  3. Avatar of Sandip Jadhav Sandip says:

    Simple and easy to understand
    It is simple and easy to understand

  4. Avatar of yasser elkhadrawy yasser says:

    Simple and to the Point, Thank you

  5. Avatar of Fernando Escobar Fernando says:

    Nice presentation

  6. Avatar of Esteban Rodríguez Esteban says:

    Nice explanation!
    Thank you

  7. Avatar of Jon Rowling Jon says:

    Great introduction.
    Another great video which gives a very clear, concise explanation of Kaizen.

  8. Avatar of Ramon Molina Ramon says:

    A powerful tool for understanding how to apply kaizen
    This is a powerful tool for understanding how can kaizen be practically applied in the work place.

  9. Avatar of Jacqueline Stieger Jacqueline says:

    Useful short introduction to Kaizen Workshop
    Would be great to have a download possibility for some of the visual tools used in the kaizen Workshop.

  10. Avatar of Usman Malik Usman says:

    Useful Course
    This course is very useful and interesting.

  • Premium MonthlyMembership
  • Course Badge
  • Course Certificate

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Course Reviews

  1. Avatar of Willie Durham Willie says:

    A master improvement process

  2. Avatar of Ilkka Taponen Ilkka says:

    nice & clear
    nice & clear

  3. Avatar of Sandip Jadhav Sandip says:

    Simple and easy to understand
    It is simple and easy to understand

  4. Avatar of yasser elkhadrawy yasser says:

    Simple and to the Point, Thank you

  5. Avatar of Fernando Escobar Fernando says:

    Nice presentation

  6. Avatar of Esteban Rodríguez Esteban says:

    Nice explanation!
    Thank you

  7. Avatar of Jon Rowling Jon says:

    Great introduction.
    Another great video which gives a very clear, concise explanation of Kaizen.

  8. Avatar of Ramon Molina Ramon says:

    A powerful tool for understanding how to apply kaizen
    This is a powerful tool for understanding how can kaizen be practically applied in the work place.

  9. Avatar of Jacqueline Stieger Jacqueline says:

    Useful short introduction to Kaizen Workshop
    Would be great to have a download possibility for some of the visual tools used in the kaizen Workshop.

  10. Avatar of Usman Malik Usman says:

    Useful Course
    This course is very useful and interesting. © All rights reserved . MT