Course Overview
This course addresses the need for communicating with your workforce. This is covered in three sections. The first is the communication board which is a large stationary display that can be updated regularly with major Lean updates. The second method is the newsletter which should be fashioned with a very specific objective so that the information is valuable and its creation is not wasted. Last is the suggestion system whereby people can submit their ideas for review and implementation.
Each video addresses each method in detail as well as grants a larger view as to the reception of it by your employees.
simple and short
The course could have been more in-depth. Quiz questions where not of the highest level, e.g. the last one was not well-structured.
Excellent and easy to understand
Informative and innovative
Excellent training methods
Very informative and definitely useful for manufacturing organizations
Very used tool, helpful course
Very used tool, helpful course
Lean Communication
Very informative and definitely useful for manufacturing organizations