Building Support for Lean Efforts

Learn how to build support for Lean efforts within your organization by swaying the hearts and minds of each individual.

  • Avatar of krishna rewadia
  • Avatar of Joseph Matsane
  • Avatar of Ozan Özeren
  • Avatar of Vladimir Vlas
  • Avatar of Joep Van Bommel
  • Avatar of Mike Bullard

Course Overview

Learn ways of building support for Lean efforts within your organization by swaying the hearts and minds of each individual. This course covers techniques that can help influence and convince co-workers, assist in overcoming challenging organizational barriers, and persuade unions that Lean is the right decision.

Consultants and conventional Lean literature often overlook these issues. The interpersonal and psychological sides of Lean are key factors for successful implementation. Understanding these factors will allow you gain the support and trust of those who you are working with. Through your common interest in success you can proceed down the path of improvement as a team.

Why take this course?

True Lean transformation cannot take place without broad support from everyone involved. This course will prepare you for the social necessities of Lean leadership.

What am I going to learn?

  • How to promote Lean to build organization-wide support
  • How to overcome common organizational barriers to successful Lean implementation
  • How to effectively collaborate with unions to benefit Lean efforts

Who is the intended audience?

Anyone who wants to promote Lean in his or her organization and address common roadblocks

What are the prerequisites?

A foundational understanding of the principles and benefits of Lean

What am I going to receive?

  • Complete practical guidance for interpersonal Lean leadership
  • PDF transcripts for your review
  • A list of the terms used in the videos and their definitions
  • Power Point presentations to support your learning
  • Images from the videos to use as you wish
  • A badge rewarded upon successful completion of the course

Course Curriculum

Persuading Coworkers and Management to Support Lean00:00
Overcoming Organizational Barriers to Lean00:00
Collaborating with Unions to Support Lean00:00
Quiz – Building Support for Lean Efforts00:15

Course Reviews


    Good start
    sets the concepts and basics to introduce lean in the organization

  2. Avatar of Ilkka Taponen Ilkka says:

    Important course
    One of the most difficult things about Lean is fighting the change resistance. This course gives some help to the issue. © All rights reserved . MT