Advanced Kanban

There are several recurring problems that organizations can face when implementing a Kanban system.

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  • Avatar of Vikrant Sharma
  • Avatar of Cyrille Sobanski

Course Overview

Although the basic concept of Kanban is easy to understand, advanced Kanban systems are difficult to implement effectively. There are several recurring problems that organizations can face when implementing advanced Kanban systems. This course will cover what these problems and pitfalls are, and how you can avoid them.

This includes the challenges and triumphs that can be realized by integrating your upstream suppliers into the Kanban System. Learning from common mistakes and challenges will pave the way for a truly advanced Kanban system to supports the needs of the entire supply chain. Take your Kanban system to the next level and spread the benefits with this advanced course.

Why take this course?

To take your knowledge on Kanban to its topmost levels

What am I going to learn?

  • How to avoid or fix possible problems with Kanban implementation
  • The logistics of including upstream suppliers in your Kanban system

Who is the intended audience?

People who want a successful implementation and even to take the system to the next level

What are the prerequisites?

A basic understanding of the purpose and benefits of Kanban

What am I going to receive?

  • Instruction on avoiding Kanban pitfalls and integrating suppliers
  • PDF transcripts for your review
  • A list of the terms used in the videos and their definitions
  • Power Point presentations to support your learning
  • A badge rewarded upon successful completion of the course

Course Curriculum

Integrating Suppliers into Your Kanban System00:00
Avoiding Common Pitfalls During First Kanban Implementation00:00
Quiz – Advanced Kanban00:15 © All rights reserved . MT